Risk Management & Legal
The Ottawa Return to Play Roadmap is an initiative of the Ottawa Sport Council in collaboration with 70 Ottawa Community sport organizations.
Having completed the risk assessment and deemed appropriate to re-open, organizations must prepare and take all steps necessary to mitigate risk and reduce transmission.
Here are a number of essential documents/templates that sporting organizations can use in preparing for re-opening.
Included below are: internal documents such as Emergency Response Plans as well as documents to be completed by athletes, members, coaches, volunteers etc. such as Assumption of Risk, Contact Tracing Log, COVID-19 Self-Declaration and Waivers.
This document must be signed by all individuals who will be participating in the sport. By signing this document the participant will assume certain risks and responsibilities and waive certain legal rights. The participants must be informed of specific risks and agree to proceed anyway.
In order to trace contacts of infected individuals, test them for infection and isolate or treat the infected person, this log will assist in the event that a participant within the specific sport/facility is found to be COVID-19 positive.
This document is a form to be completed by all participants stating that the individual completing the document is monitoring their health and have accurately and truthfully answered all necessary screening and meet the eligibility to participate.
This is an example of a sign that can be placed within your facility that speaks to the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
This document outlines the key roles and responsibilities of the OISC in each of the three pandemic phases: pre-pandemic phase, positive test phase and post-pandemic phase.