Health & Safety
The Ottawa Return to Play Roadmap is an initiative of the Ottawa Sport Council in collaboration with 70 Ottawa Community sport organizations.
Ensure that members, as well as, facilities are aware of and follow cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing protocols.
Ensure that members are aware of the physical distancing protocols currently in place. Noting that these are changing regularly.
Be knowledgeable of Covid-19 symptoms and conduct assessments on a regular basis.
Review your health insurance to ensure there is appropriate policy coverage during the pandemic.
Assess your health and safety protocols are in agreement with national/provincial/municipal protocols.
Document outlining the types of cleaning products used.
Document outlining the cleaning and disinfecting protocols at city facilities.
This document provides guidance on cleaning and disinfection of public settings.
Document outlining the steps required to sanitize boathouses and the items within it.
Document outlining the steps required to properly wash one’s hands.
Checklist on steps to follow before, during and after physical activity at the boathouse.
Document outlining the symptoms most commonly associated with COVID-19.
Useful Health and Safety Links related to COVID-19
This document provides general hygiene and sport specific protocols for athletes and parents/guardians.
This document provides information on COVID-19, guidance on providing First Aid during COVID-19, General Guidance for Preventing COVID-19 Transmission During CPR and First Aid, Guidance for PPE, Guidance for Performing a Breathing Assessment and Rescue Breaths in Children or Adults, Guidance for Compressions, Guidance for AED Application & Use, Information on what to do If a person has symptoms consistent with COVID-19, Guidance for Cleaning & Disinfection After First Aid Care and Guidance for Providers After Caring for Someone Suspected Positive for COVID-19
Ottawa Internationals Soccer Club - General Guidelines:
This document provides cleaning guidelines for players, coaches and match officials.
Ottawa Internationals Soccer Club
This document provides cleaning guidelines for players, coaches and match officials.
Self-assessments are key to safety. We encourage you upon reopening/resumption to perform self-assessments on staff and clients. These measures are in place to prevent individuals who have COVID-19 symptoms from entering the workplace or accessing a service or facility. You are also encouraged to conduct self-assessments before you leave to go to the sports area to ensure you are not exhibiting any symptoms.
ABHS must be 60% alcohol content or above to kill COVID-19
The Federal Government has an easy database where people can look up the hand sanitizer by name or DIN number. It is important to look up all ABHS to ensure they are approved for COVID-19.
It is important to follow the instructions for each disinfectant product used.
Each product has a different 'contact time' that is required in order to work effectively. This can range from 1 minute to 10.
Just like hand sanitizer, the federal government has a database where people can look up approved disinfectants for COVID-19.
The ABHS technique is very important to stopping the spread of COVID-19
The link is from the Ontario government.
A link from the government of Ontario on safety planning for COVID19. It has some useful information on the hierarchy of controls that would benefit coaches and athletes - it shows what measures are most to least effective.
It also explains that non-medical masks are not PPE and are not a replacement for physical distancing etc.
A link to a government of Ontario handout on non-medical masks.
Important message is that wearing a mask protects others (as opposed to PPE which you wear to protect yourself). In other words, my non-medical mask protects you and yours protects me.
It also stresses hand hygiene before putting on a non-medical mask, taking it off and after touching it. This is really important to avoid the risk of contaminating yourself accidentally.
Health and Safety Guidelines for Athletes with Disabilities
Under “Health and Safety”, you will find information about additional considerations that organizations need to address when working with athletes with a disability.
Cleaning and Sanitization
Ontario Public Health (OPH) Documents
Support Resources
Health and Safety Links - COVID-19 and Athletes with a Disability
Health and Safety Tips – COVID-19 and Athletes with a Disability
People who are at risk of more severe disease or outcomes from COVID-19
Youtube video “Youth Sports: Tips to Protect Players from COVID-19” produced by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)